During Christmas, she switches out her every-day shade for this one, so festive and cute!
The original 'Chihuahua' lampshade had a good run!
Once in a while I get a return customer who needs a replacement for one of my shades. Let's face it, after 9 years, it's time! I had the opportunity to do something I rarely can - I got to choose EVERYthing, from fabric to trim. Kind of scary, but she loved it.
This client uses her mini lamp and shade in her main floor powder room. This lamp has been on 24/7 for 9 years! Choosing the fabric I took into consideration the fact that the house is over 100 years old, the daughter's life is her violin, they are a fun, young, and sophisticated family - so a little hint of musical naughtiness was in order. The fact that the fabric is called "Can-Can" (for the loo lampshade) did NOT escape me. :- )
So Fun!
I love it!!! So cool & it has great colors!! Thank you! -A.J.